
Showing posts from December, 2023

Piriapolis, Uruguay

We spent one more night at anchor in Playa Hermosa , another beautiful bay, before the forecast and clouds reminded us that it was time to head into the marina. We have been in Puerto Piriapolis over a week now and are just getting to know the place. The marina is well protected from most wind directions. We are stern to a good solid wall and the bow is secured to 2 buoys.  There are no ladders on the quayside, so our first chore was to walk up to a hardware shop and buy one, then lash it to the wall. To go ashore is nice and easy now, we launch the dinghy and pull ourselves to the ladder.  Now it is easy to get ashore we have been for a walk every day. It's a beautiful place. The marina surroundings are very green and the town is just a short, flat, walk away with everything we need. There is also plenty of countryside around to explore on our bikes. The most random thing is the chairlift, which goes from just ...